miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010


Now that Miley Cyrus has reached the ripe age of eighteen, the perverts of the world are anxiously awaiting those newly legal nip slips and upskirt photos.
What some of the male population of her fans are really wondering now, is whether or not Mileyplans on posing nude for Playboy? Hey, let’s be real here. It’s only a matter of time before her goodies are legally plastered all over the internet as she drunkenly gets out of a limo, so she might as well profit!
Speaking of children, Disney darling turned racy pop star Miley Cyrus enters adulthood as she celebrates her 18th birthday Tuesday, and we couldn’t help but ask if any offers were on the table for her to make her “adult” status a little more official with an appearance in the men’s magazine
“The simple answer is she is the one that you and all the other readers would like to see,” Hef said coyly. “That person changes every month and year, it depends on who the hot celebrity of the month is.

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